Select vocabulary to play games
Question may be vocabulary or translation.
The default is vocabulary. If you define translation in question, vocabulary will be in answer.

This example, define translation in question and show note as a part of question.

This example, define translation in question and not show note as a part of question.

This example, define translation in question. The vocabulary is Chinese. The translation is Thai. So question is Thai and choices are Chinese

This example, define translation in question. The vocabulary is Korean. The translation is English. So question is English and choices are Korean

Vocabulary can be selected by date. For example, define 1 August 2013 to 31 August 2013 is a range of date. Only vocabulary entered in this range is selected randomly
to play games. Vocabulary entered before 1 August 2013 or entered after 31 August 2013 will never be selected.
If the beginning date is defined but the end date is not defined, it covers vocabulary entered on the beginning date to the last date.
This range always covers new vocabulary that will be added in the future because new vocabulary is always added on the last date.
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