Add Vocabulary
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The length of vocabulary is 30 characters.
The length of translation is 30 characters.
The length of note is 50 characters.
Vocabulary and translation are main objects that you want to memorize but note is something that may be useful such as pronunciation, sample sentence etc.
When you play games, vocabulary and translation are always in question or answer, but note can be controled to display as a part of question or not display.
So vocabulary and translation are mandatory but note is optional.
Vocabulary, translation and note can be any language.
Example 1 voabulary is English, translation is Thai, note is Thai
Example 2 voabulary is Chinese, translation is Thai
Example 3 voabulary is Korean, translation is English
To be careful to input vocabulary and translation because they are used in playing game until you memorized them. If they are invalid spelling, you will memorize
invalid vocabulary.
Every word is automatically stamped with a sequence number and created date. This number is ID of each vocabulary. You have to refer to this ID when you retrieve it to edit.
You should make a list of vocabulary to check before using them in playing game. You may refer to voacabulary to create a list by sequence number (vacabulary ID) or created date.
The best practice of checking vocabulary is that it should be checked by the one who doesnot input it. For example, your kid inputs vocabulary, translation and note
then you make a list to check and correct.
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