Check vocabulary in your vocabulary book
You can retrieve vocabulary in your vocabulary book by
1) | Refer to "sequence number or vocabulary ID". You can create a list by refering to the range of sequence number, FROM sequence number TO sequence number |
2) | Refer to "vocabulary". You can specify any words in your vocabulary book. |
3) | Refer to "translation". You can specify any translation in your vocabulary book. |
4) | Refer to "note" You can specify any note in your vocabulary book. |
5) | Refer to "created date" You can create a list by refering to the range of date, FROM date TO date |
Example : | The above list is created by refering to sequence number in range 1 - 10. The word of sequence number 9 is invalid. It should be 'dog' not 'dot'. |
Edit vocabulary in your vocabulary book
Refer to sequence number to retrieve vocabulary to edit.
The above example, Refer to sequence number 9 to edit 'dot'
Change 'dot' to 'dog' then click "Confirm" to save it.
Retrieve vocabulary in range 1 - 10 to check again.
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