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Vocabulary online manual
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Check vocabulary in your vocabulary book

You can retrieve vocabulary in your vocabulary book by
1) Refer to "sequence number or vocabulary ID". You can create a list by refering to the range of sequence number, FROM sequence number TO sequence number
2) Refer to "vocabulary". You can specify any words in your vocabulary book.
3) Refer to "translation". You can specify any translation in your vocabulary book.
4) Refer to "note" You can specify any note in your vocabulary book.
5) Refer to "created date" You can create a list by refering to the range of date, FROM date TO date

Example : The above list is created by refering to sequence number in range 1 - 10.
The word of sequence number 9 is invalid. It should be 'dog' not 'dot'.

Edit vocabulary in your vocabulary book

Refer to sequence number to retrieve vocabulary to edit. The above example, Refer to sequence number 9 to edit 'dot'

Change 'dot' to 'dog' then click "Confirm" to save it.

Retrieve vocabulary in range 1 - 10 to check again.

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Big Family Trees

It is impossible to take every relatives to the same place at the same time to get to know one another. If every family build her family tree and connect them together like fitting pieces of jigsaw together, they will get a perfect big family tree which they can share to get to know each other although they live in different cities or different countries because the family tree explains clearly who is who.

www.bigfamilies.net is tools to build family trees and connect them together to get a big family tree network.
...Click here for more details...

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