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This is an example of Korean vocabulary book. The vocabulary is Korean. The translation is English. This book is for demonstration how to use vocabulary to play games. You can click the links below to use Korean vocabulary in this book to play games, but you cannot add or edit vocabulary in this book. If you would like to add or edit volaburary, you have to register to get your own vocabulary book.
Eagle Game

An flying eagle in the sky sees a squirrel on the ground. It swoops down on the squirrel.

You have to support the squirrel to escape from the hunt.

Your right answer makes the squirrel move forward to the hole. Your wrong answer makes the eagle fly lower. If the squirrel cannot reach the hole, it will be grabed.

Click here for question in Korean and answer in English.
Click here for question in English and answer in Korean.

Frog Game

A green frog lives on a tree. Its home is at the upper right corner.

You have to take it home.

The frog moves forword along the bamboo stick if your answer is right. It slips if your answer is wrong. However, it is still on the stick and it will be recovered if your next answer is right.Two consecutive wrong answers make it fall from the stick.

Click here for question in Korean and answer in English.
Click here for question in English and answer in Korean.

Rescue Game

A puppy falls into waterfall. Its mother cries for help.

The puppy needs 10 balloons to lift it from water.

Each question makes the puppy move to the cliff. If your answer is right, the puppy gets a balloon. If your answer is wrong, it gets nothing but move to the cliff. To rescue the puppy, you have to give it 10 balloons before it falls the cliff

Click here for question in Korean and answer in English.
Click here for question in English and answer in Korean.

Leopard Game

A family of meerkats is composed of 6 members. They are walking across this bridge but a leopard walks after them.

Your mission is to protect meerkats.

A meerkat walk one step forward if your answer is right. The leopard takes it if your answer is wrong. You have to protect it until it walks to the end of bridge. How many meerkats can you protect ?

Click here for question in Korean and answer in English.
Click here for question in English and answer in Korean.

Vocabulary in this book

침대 = bed

의자 = chair

포도 = grape

파인애플 = pineapple

코코넛 = coconut

옥수수 = corn

레몬 = lemon

토마토 = tomato

호박 = pumpkin

양파 = onion

생강 = ginger

마늘 = garlic

수박 = watermelon

개 = dog

고양이 = cat

원숭이 = monkey

토끼 = rabbit

백조 = swan

올빼미 = owl

앵무새 = parrot

독수리 = eagle

박쥐 = bat

나비 = butterfly

상어 = shark

바다 = sea

하늘 = sky

태양 = sun

섬 = island

물 = water

나무 = tree

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